8th Grade

Course Description

Spanish Assignments for week 8
May 18 - May 22
Week 8 - 6th Six Weeks 
Due Date  May 22nd
8th Grade
1. Life Skills/ Quarantine activity - 
I you are unable to view the picture download the file.
Image preview
2. Activity - Spanish Speaking Countries & Capitals

Directions please please read before doing your work!

With this being this last week of school I wanted to assign some fun activities! 1st and foremost the the Video Conf calls are still required via Microsoft teams. 

You have the option to do the conjuguemos.com assignment which is called Spanish Speaking Countries & Capitals or your grade level activity. Please only choose 1 assignment. If you know you have not completed any work for me this six weeks please finish. 
1. Life Skills/ Quarantine activity - Do a minimum of 3 or maximum of 5 from this activity. Please be creative as possible. If you want to make these on your youtube channel just email me the link. You must send pictures and or videos showing what you did. When sending please send them all together by email or Microsoft teams. Make sure you include your first and last name as well as your class when emailing your. Please email me if you have any questions.
Video Conference – Required (Microsoft Teams)
Every Tuesday
8A: Tuesday, 05/19/20 - Meeting time 12:30pm

Every Wednesday
8B: Wednesday, 05/20/20 - Meeting time 12:30pm
Week 7 - 6th Six Weeks 
Due Date  May 15th
8th Grade
1. Activity - Parts Of The Body Vocab
2. Video Conference – Required (Microsoft Teams)
Every Tuesday
8A: Tuesday, 05/12/20 - Meeting time 12:30pm

Every Wednesday
8B: Wednesday, 05/13/20 - Meeting time 12:30pm
Week 6 - 6th Six Weeks 
Due Date  May 8th
8th Grade

1. Activity - Cinco De Mayo 1-22




2. Activity - Cinco De Mayo Vocabulario


3. Activity - What this video Cinco de Mayo: The Real Story



4. Video Conference – Required (Microsoft Teams)
Every Tuesday
8A: Tuesday, 05/05/20 - Meeting time 12:30pm

Every Wednesday
8B: Wednesday, 05/06/20 - Meeting time 12:30pm
Week 5 - 6th Six Weeks 
Due Date  May 1st
8th Grade

1. Activity - Día de los Muertos vocabulario

2. Activity - Diana: Día de los Muertos

3. Activity - Present Tense Regular Verbs Practice Quiz (translate the verbs)

4. Video Conference – Required (Microsoft Teams)
Every Tuesday
8A: Tuesday, 04/28/20 - Meeting time 12:30pm

Every Wednesday
8B: Wednesday, 04/29/20 - Meeting time 12:30pm
 Week 4 - 5th Six Weeks
Due Date  April 24th
8th Grade
1. Go to https://freerice.com or download the app in the app store  
2. Click the 3 horizontal lines on the left at the top

3. Create an account: Click Sign Up

4. Fill out the information and click submit

5. Click on Categories>Language Learning>Spanish
****Each time you play, you should keep track of the subject(s) and total amount of grains donated. You may send (email) me a screenshot or use the Donation log I have provided, by Friday, 4/24.

****Spend AT LEAST 25 minutes on this site in other words 5 minutes per day, Spanish.  They are going to show you a word, and you have to click on what you think is the correct answer.  For every answer you get right, they will donate 10 grains of rice to the UN World Food Program. 

Too easy? Change the level?
Feel free to try another subject: Math, English, Science and more. Optional.
Create a group and invite people. Optional.
Video Conference – Required (Microsoft Teams)
Every Tuesday
8A: Tuesday, 04/21/20 - Meeting time 01:00pm

Every Wednesday
8B: Wednesday, 04/22/20 - Meeting time 01:00pm
 Week 3
Due Date  April 17th
8th Grade
1. Activity - Irregular Present tense practice 

2. Activity – Mi Vida Loca - Episodio 2

3. Video Conference - Required (Microsoft Teams)

8A: Tuesday, 04/14/20 - Meeting time 01:00pm

8B: Wednesday, 04/15/20 -  Meeting time 01:00pm
Week 2
Due Date  April 14th
8th Grade

1. Activity - Numbers 1 to 75 (math/bingo

2. Listening Activity – La familia – Puerto Rico: Gabi - Comprehension Quiz

3. Activity - La edad


go to  www.conjuguemos.com or google conjuguemos
Register account as a "Student"
login/ create an account
Fill out the Student Account (personal Info)
teacher code: xqlogy